This year we finally were able to participate at the Bishops Cup in St Gallen for the first time in years.
It was cool to see so many familiar faces and old friends and to help out other teams with players, as well as to having been helped out by some players of other teams.
With only 11 players, and a big event opening party on Friday, we had some problems reaching our best level of rugby on Saturday, and we did not win any games, even though we found together better and better each game.
On Sunday it was much better then, and we were able to get our first victory, also thanks to the players from Rugby Club CERN Meyrin St Genis, including Sandro, the head of the Bishops Cup OK.
Players at the Bishops Cup:
Fabio Mercorella, Roman Suter, Jan Podzorski, Roman Irniger, Dave Wiedemeier, Christian Glatthard, Simon Michel, Dimitri Rüegg, Remi Guillemin
Special guests: Matthias Kerker, & Jan from RC Basel, RC Cern, Sandro Meyer from the Bishops, Dee & Cousin from RC Winterthur and probably some more.